Associate Practitioner

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The following description will be looking at my current role within a NHS community nursing team. This description will identify how this Foundation Degree will enable me to achieve a role as an Associate Practitioner. With in this text I will discuss how the new role of the Associate Practitioner came to be? How this role will enhance the patient care I give, and how the role will impact on the service we currently provide in a large community nursing team. By discussing my current role as Healthcare Assistant, I will identify how my scope of practice will change; looking on How the Foundation Degree will develop my skills and knowledge, through learnt competencies and clinical experiences, through working with my mentor and other health professionals.…show more content…
Aiming to prevent or reduce hospital admissions by delivering the appropriate care at the Right time, Right Care, Right place liberating the Talents (2002). It has been identified the following optional skills with in my first year of the Foundation Degree should be physical measurements, blood sugar monitoring, venepuncture and Anti Non Touch Technique. All of which I undertake with in my current role of Healthcare Assistant, but now by undertaking them attached to the Foundation degree. I will be enhancing my knowledge through learning anatomy and physiology (taught in university in a module and in discussion when in clinical practice) with exams. Also through work based learning modules with my mentor, applying rationale to theory, I will be able to provide evidence of achievement of practice skills and knowledge learnt. This degree by definition and understanding of my new ‘scope of practice’ will also provide greater understanding of why various procedures and investigations are undertaking, actions administered and the rationale behind…show more content…
This is about changing the way I work and how people perceive me in the same working area but in a different role. The role will help me to develop personally, develop my confidence and allow me to have the rationale for why I do things. The scope of practice will be defined by my job description, and patient needs, identified between the lead nurse who has overall responsibility and accountability for the relevant work base I am assigned to. Through discussion with The Advanced Community Nurse Practitioner (ACNP) and District Nurse (DN), the relevant skills areas can be defined, to which would be of most benefit to the Associate Practitioner role meeting the demand of the team, meeting patient safety and care. My new role, will give me the foundation to move forwards to continue to ensure I am always and continue to be a safe and competent Associate Practitioner, to be accountable to be able to manage the caseload that is assigned to me. This will include educating other team members and other health care professionals of my new role, responsibilities, and scope of practice, working with them to understand how the Associate Practitioner will contribute to the service we provide. Foreseeing my role as an Associate Practitioner contributing to providing local and national benefits to ‘patient care’ by improving the patient ‘experience;
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