Assignment 45 Child Psycology

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Assignment 5 Introduction In this assignment I am looking at a study of under privileged children, their environment and the link to their intelligence. I will also be looking at the Hypothesis of this study including definitions of the independent & dependant variables. Within the final section of this assignment it will give me the opportunity to analyse the experiment and express my own views in its findings. a) Is the Hypothesis of this experiment? I believe a hypothesis is a testable statement which can be verified or refuted Therefore in this case the Hypothesis is that if disadvantaged children of a pre-school age group were given environmental opportunities this would improve their intellect. b) What is the independent variable? At the age of three years, the children who were all from poor and over-crowded homes began attending a special non-residential day school in which specific importance was placed on the development of social and cognitive skills. The children attended the school for 4 days per week till they began infant school The Independent variable has directly altered the environmental conditions of the children. c) What is the dependant variable? My understanding of a dependant variable is one in which observation and measurement of change is shown. In this study, whether or not the children showed any improvement in their intelligence levels, would be the dependant variable. My initial feeling on reading this study, are that a lot of assumptions were made: * 20 children were sufficient to complete a successful study I understand that there has to be a minimum number for the results to be reliable by why 20 * Those children from impoverished and overcrowded homes had a need to have their intelligence levels increased. I have not seen any evidence that children from this type of
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