Explain what is meant by 1.1 Diversity; is respecting individuals differences, recognising uniqueness of individuals and treating people as individuals. Also celebrating individual’s differences. Equality; is ensuring access to opportunities for all involved. Making sure everyone has equal rights and preventing discrimination Inclusion; is so everyone feels respected. Being valued for who and what they are.
With groups it can affect organisations, communities and society as a whole. Even the people who inflict discrimination can be affected by negative impact -they could fail to experience the benefits of diversity, equality and inclusion. It could also affect their broadening of their horizons. Negative impact can be :- Loss of self esteem Poor self image Confusion, anger and depression Disempowerment Loss of motivation, achievement Missed opportunities Marginalisation 1.3 The importance of inclusive practice is it enables people to be valued, confident, feel safe and have all their needs met. They can then participate in society without feeling prejudice or
Describe the ways in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the work setting. Discrimination may deliberately occur in the work place because they may be being treated less favourable, or treated differently because of their gender, age, ethnic, race, disability, sexuality, or religion. Discrimination may inadvertently take place when a rule or policy that applies squally to everybody is more restrictive for people from certain group. 1:3 Explain how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination. By supporting a person's equality, you are treating them as equal and including them in all activities, you will be reducing the likelihood of discrimination.
1.2.2 Inadvertent discrimination is more likely to occur through institutional policies or widely held beliefs that affect people’s behaviour and the culture of the institution. 1.3 Explain how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination 1.3.1 Employees are affected by their employer’s culture and the way in which their colleagues conduct themselves. 1.3.2 Practices that support equality and inclusion create a “norm” that militates against discrimination. Anyone who is out of step with this culture would stand out and be encouraged to change by peers and managers. 2.1 Identify which legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own role 2.1.1 Equality Act 2010 2.1.2 Protected Characteristics 2.3.
Not only is the setting free of discrimination but equality and fair treatment to everyone is promoted. It is very important within health and social care because the service users will often be vulnerable meaning they are more likely to be a victim of discrimination and affect them a lot worse in comparison to those who are not vulnerable. Not only is it their vulnerability that puts them at more risk of harm and abuse but also because they are putting their lives and care in the hands of others and are trusting them to provide a good standard of service to help them. This is about making your care setting completely equal and giving everyone fair treatment. It includes making sure discrimination doesn’t happen but also promoting anti-discrimination.
Equality is about everybody being equal to one another, but not necessarily treating them all the same. Because everyones needs are different you as a support worker have to look at the individuals needs, and assess what you can do to improve their quality of life, whilst keeping them safe and still promoting independence. Inclusion is about involving everyone in society, making sure all have opportunities to work or take part in social activities available. Discrimination is stopping someone from their right to speak up and voice themselves properly or not let them do an activity, this can happen to either a certain group of people or it can just be one person. Nonetheless its a very cruel way of practice.
Discrimination Discrimination is when a certain group of people get treated badly or less favourably than others. Discrimination occurs because of pre conceived opinions and attitudes. In the health and social care setting it is important not to let your opinion of a certain group of people affect the way you work with them. 2. Describe how direct or indirect discrimination may occur in the work setting Direct discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly due to their circumstances; an example of this could be missing out on a promotion at work because your employer thinks you are capable but chooses someone younger instead because they will be working for longer.
First, legislation and agency policy and procedure demand that workers work in an anti-discriminatory manner. Secondly, the social care task involves challenging negative stereotypes that exist in relation to minority groups within our society. Thirdly, we cannot work effectively with individuals if we collude with discrimination and stereotypes. It is important to recognise that many individuals will need the support of care organisations due to the effects of prejudice. For example, the Carers of disabled older people may need to seek residential respite placements due to barriers experienced in accessing local facilities.
Also a bad experience could leave the patient feeling uncomfortable and could lead to a possible lawsuit. A sonographer must treat the patient and other colleagues with respect and this will ensure a healthy, happy workplace for everyone
People are different, and the difference can strengthen society in many ways, because the diversity provides opportunities to learn and grow from one another. Not having diversity in society, everybody would be the same. There would be no differences and I think it would be boring. There would be no opportunity to explore different backgrounds and cultures. Diversity gives people the advantage of getting to know one another, and share different experiences that makes life interesting.