Assignment 3 Sociology

816 Words4 Pages
Examine the reasons for changes in the divorce rate since 1969. It has been proven that divorce rates have increased rapidly in the least 50 years or so. This can be seen from the actual number of divorces each year and from the increase in the divorce rate. Firstly, one reason for changes in the divorce rate since 1969 is the change in how divorce is perceived by society. For example, 50 years ago divorce was considered to be shameful and dishonourable as it was considered good for society if couples got married and stayed together. However, since then, although divorce is still a personal misfortune, it is no longer seen as a disgrace. The reason for this change is the shift in social norms and values and also the reinforcements of new laws and changes to existing ones. The major change has been the introduction of the Divorce Reform Act in 1969. This particular law allowed the termination of marriage and made the whole process become a lot easier. It also targeted two main areas of the old law that were abolished: the irretrievable breakdown of marriage and the evidence of adultery, separation and poor behaviour having to be provided. Another reason for the change in divorce is the changing opinions of women in society. This is because during the 1950s, women were expected to get married soon after they left school and start a family. If they didn’t meet these expectations, they would have been considered to have failed within society. Sue Sharpe conducted a study in both the 1970s and the 1990s to find what teenage girls aspirations were after they left school. She found that in the 70s, teenage girls wanted to get married straight after leaving school and create a family whereas in the 90s, the teenage girls said that they wanted to pursue in a career first before settling down with a partner. Because of the changing priorities of women, divorce rates are a
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