Assignment 1: Employment – at – Will Doctrine

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Assignment 1: Employment –At – Will Doctrine 1 According to the Employment – At – Will Doctrine rule, it is legal for a company to dismiss an employee without a cause; which means a hiring manager can legally let an employee go for just cause reasons. However, there are some exceptions to the rule, a company cannot dismiss employment based on race, gender, color, or religion, employees cannot be fired for reporting violations of workplace safety nor can an employer fire an employee for exercising the right to file a workman’s compensation or a sexual harassment claim. Bases on the given scenario, I think the company should exercise their legal rights and dismiss the employment of Jennifer, the employee. After the company has given this employee an extensive amount of training, to prepare her for the employment duties, for which she was hired; Jennifer is still unable to perform her job duties. Even though, there is an Employment – At – Will law in place, this company does not have to utilize it for this scenario, since the employee cannot perform the duties to which she was hired to do, especially after the company has taken time and money to train her and to equip her which knowledge and skills to perform the required job duties. As Jennifer’s manager, I would work with Jennifer, first on a one on one sitting , giving her hands on training, before dismissing her; only because some people can catch on better with hands on training verses verbal training. After giving my personal training and mentorship to this employee and she still is not able to perform her assigned duties, my next step would be to dismiss the employment, based on the grounds of not being able to perform the assigned duties. Assignment 1: Employment –At – Will Doctrine 2 The wrongful discharge law was created to over-ride the Employment – At

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