This method needs a little preparation so a prepared checklist would be necessary. A checklist is where you choose an area of development and write a few examples (milestones) then tick what they can and can’t do. D4) Explain ONE (1) advantage and ONE (1) disadvantage of this method of observing children One advantage of this method would be that you could make lots of copies of this and use it on a different child in the same area. This would save a lot of time and it’d
The ability to be undoubtedly sure of something is a golden quality; however, it can also be a destructive quality if taken advantage of. Certainty and doubt go hand in hand: too much certainty can make a person close-minded and ignorant—on the other hand, too much doubt makes a person unreliable in decision making, which is an important life-skill. Certainty and doubt should be equal in one’s life; they help to solidify opinion and personality and are key tools in learning experience. As children, humans spend the first few years of their lives learning from their surroundings. They gain opinion and personality on what they hear and see.
1.1 Naturalistic observations take place in the child’s natural environments. This type of observation allows the child to act in a way they usually do without being affected by the observer known as the Hawthorne affect meaning a child could change the way they act unknowing because they know they are being observed. Naturalistic observations lead to a much more valid observation as they are more likely to give us a true picture of what is being studied. Longitudinal observations are observations that occur over a long period of time. This allows the researcher of gain detailed information about the subject they are studying.
First is the idea that people can learn through observation. Next is the idea that internal mental states are an essential part of this process. Finally, this theory recognizes that just because something has been learned, it does not mean that it will result in a change in behaviour. Piaget – Cognitive Development He became intrigued with the reasons children gave for their wrong answers on
Identify different observation methods and why they are used Check lists Check lists or tick charts are a simple and effective way of observing children’s development stages. They focus on particular areas of development and give easily accessible yes or no answers. They are convenient if you’re observing more than one child at a time and it is easy to repeat the observation and see the improvements. However they do not give much detail. They don’t tell us how happy or confident the child was when doing to task.
Spending time going through the learning activities and seeing how children have responded to a certain task or question, can really help change it for future activities. It is also important to look back at the learning objects so you can measure what the children have learned. It is important to have clear objectives at the planning stage, in order to evaluate whether pupils have achieved them after the lesson. If children have rushed through the activity and then looked bored then it would be obvious that the task was a bit too easy and not really suitable or beneficial for that group. Therefore you would need to try and make it more engaging and stimulating, perhaps by making it more difficult or time-consuming so the students really have to work to complete it.
1.1 Explain the value of a child centred model of assessment and planning Child centred assessment and planning is a good way to make sure that the setting is giving the children attending the best possible chance to develop at their own rate. This is done by observation as it enables you to get to know the individuality of the child, ensuring that they are well placed and able to plan and all of their individual needs are met. I feel that in my role, observations take place each day through activities and interaction with the child. Assessing children is an on-going process, routines and activities can also build on information needs and interests. Assessments can also be made by other professionals, including doctors, social workers, occupational
3.3 Help children and young people to understand and respect other people’s feelings and points of view. Children and young people need to learn to understand and respect the feelings, emotions and behaviours of others to help them gain an understanding about their actions and consequences. Young children might find this difficult as their understanding will not be as developed enough for them to put themselves in the position of others, but as children grow and learn they gain a greater experience of this and often older pupils will enjoy opportunities to debate and discuss different points of view in lesson time and in social situations. We often speak to them in school about thinking of the consequences of their actions and how they might have affected others. Ways in which my workplace helps young people to consider others feelings * Books, stories, magazines, literacy reading times and interaction through reading.
Gardner’s Seven Intelligences Howard Gardner states that his Seven Intelligences have been “developed to document the fact that human beings have very different kinds intellectual strengths”, which are helpful in helping people learn, especially with children. He further described that in education; if there were “only one kind of intelligence, we could teach everyone the same way and assess him or her in the same way, which would be fair,” but we do not all learn the same way. He also stated “anything can be taught in more than one way”. Gardner felt that teaching using various techniques and providing early feedback, would also help children and adults as they will be able to self assess and see what is working and what is not. He also felt that in order for people to truly learn and remember what they learn, they would need to become more “active” in the learning by “asking questions, do things hands on, to essentially re-create things in their own mind and transform them as is needed” they will remember the lessons for a longer period of time.
Importance in the Brain 1 Understanding the human brain and how it develops could further our theory on how children develop. The brain is very complex and there have been multiple tests on how the brain works which would give answers to how children think, raised and developed. Knowing how long the brain takes to develop will also give a hint of reasoning on why children conduct wrong and correct decisions. Parents around the world want to raise their children in a correct manner, making the knowledge of the brain very important. If parents knew what power the brain possessed then the guidance for there child would insure simplicity with the process of development.