Asset Speech Essay

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Asset Speech I am self-motivated. Why do I think I am? Well let’s take a look into my perspective. I was brought up by my parents always telling me if I didn’t do things the first time that nothing will ever get done right way. I slowly but surely learned this the hard way. They also taught me that self-motivation was one of the best traits a person can have, it can you far into the world. I know that if I don’t get onto doing something right then I’ll do it at the last minute, we all know doing something last minute has its consequences. Being known as the “Me generation” it’s rare to find someone who isn’t all about themselves. I at least think I’m not all about myself. But self-motivation is known as doing things when asked or doing it before it needs to be done. I don’t want to be stereotyped in the generation that only thinks of what’s best for themselves. The self-motivation I have believes that doing, say a community service like feeding the homeless, is self-motivation not to let the people starve to death. It gives you the feeling that you can help someone before you help yourself. Which in the end I would think would make you feel better and give the confidence to do other self-motivating things in your life. There was this one time last year that I couldn’t get my car to start. I just kept turning that key and nothing would happen. We all know how it is when something isn’t going the way you need it to be when you have somewhere to be in like an hour. So instead of just cancelling my plans, I quickly knew how to solve the problem. Jump my car. You think I could do that? Well I actually can. I called for my brother who well let’s say is only book smart to come help me move his truck by my car. After hooking up the cables to the positives and negatives, letting my car recharge, I got it to start. FINALLY! Now I can go on with my plans. Well without

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