Assessment 4 Human Sexuality

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Assessment 4 Introduction: In this section, I will be talking about the different factors and issues leading to the development of sexual identity across the lifespan. I will explore gender identity, explore sexual orientation, and will be discussing gender roles. I will also be analyzing the processes and theories of attraction, intimacy, love, and healthy interpersonal relationships. Also, I will be comparing sociocultural influences on different aspects of human sexuality. Development of Sexual Identity: Gender identity is your sense of self as a man or a woman. “How do we end up as a boy or girl at birth?” Genetics certainly plays an important role, but hormones are equally important. The role of chromosomes, a human cell normally has 23 pairs of chromosomes, rod shaped structures that determine a person’s inherited characteristics. Eggs and spern have only half the normal genetic material. Testosterone, which must be produced at a critical stage of embryonic development in order for an XY combination to result in a baby with male anatomy. Embryos cannot be distinguished anatomically as either male or female for the first few weeks of development. The Mullerian duct inhibiting substance which is a chemical secreted by the testicles during embryonic development that causes the Mullerian ducts to shrink and disappear. Sexual Differentiation of the brain: In the 1970’s, it was discovered that parts of an area of the brain called the hypothalamus. Experiments with rats demonstrated that administration of testosterone to females shortly after birth masculinized the brain. Some people’s gender identity does not match their biological sex. These individuals have normal anatomy, both internally and externally and yet feel that they are actually a member of the opposite sex. They fell intense distress with their anatomy, a condition known as gender dysphonia.
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