assessement of a teaching session

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Assessment of a teaching session Teaching involves the planned and focused activity directed towards the promotion of learning and assessment is an important part of the teaching process.The title of the teaching session by a colleague was on ‘exercise and coping with stress’. The teaching session took place in front a group of his peers from the same course. One member of the group would assess another member of the group and feedback the result of the assessment to that particular person in front of the whole group. Previous to the teaching session the module leader prepared the whole of the group with a lesson on the forthcoming teaching session and assessment tool. The assessment tool, which was utilised contained no references that was a derivative of another assessment tool. As such the author of this essay assumes the module leader had formulised his own assessment criteria and created his own assessment tool. On the day of the teaching session we were given a copy of the assessment tool, it was then the author of this essay realised the formalisation of the assessment tool was slightly confusing. The individual sections from sections 1 – 3 of the assessment tool contained two distinct parts, one part for the comments and the other part for the scoring of the overall assessment. However, during the feedback to the student more relevance and time was spent on explaining the comments rather than the scoring of the assessment. The author of this essay feels it should still contain both comments and scoring but should be re-arranged to give it a more use friendly format. Assessment is ‘integral’ to the teaching process, it allows standards to be maintained (Atherton 2005). The form of assessment which was employed in this instance was that of ‘peer assessment’, which is where the author of this essay assesses one of his peers on his teaching session. It

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