Assess the View That the Nuclear Family Functions to Benefit All of Its Members and Society as a Whole

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According to Murdock, the nuclear family consists of a heterosexual couple and two children all living in the same household and that the nuclear family is universal therefore has existence in all societies. There are many views on the nuclear family to how and if it benefits all the members as well as how it helps society. Functionalist have a really positive view of the family as they believe we live in a society where everything is perfect , whereas Marxists and feminists see the nuclear family as a negative structure which is uneven in how it benefits people with in it and society. Functionalists believe that the nuclear family is a positive institution that is beneficial to society. Murdock suggests four main functions the nuclear family performs for the good of society as a whole and the individuals. These functions include: Reproduction were the family have children which means the human race keeps going, Primary socialisation were the family teaches children norms (acceptable behaviour) and values (right and wrong), Economic support which is the family giving financial support, it feeds and provides shelter for its members and lastly Sexual; maintaining a heterosexual relationship and allowing the expression of sexuality in a socially approved manner. Murdock sees these functions as an important base for society to be stable and run smoothly. However many criticisms are put forward against Murdock’s ideas of the nuclear family. Parsons argued that in today’s society, the existence of institutions such as the state means the family has lost some of its functions. Healthcare being one of the main roles of the family before the industrial revolution, is no longer a role of the family and is now carried out by other institutions like the NHS. Parsons suggests that in today’s society the nuclear family has two main functions; primary socialisation of children
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