Assess the Usefulness of Different Sociological Approaches to Sucide.

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Suicide can be seen as one of the ultimate acts of deviance mainly due to nature where it harms ones self-preservation and can be very hard for one to understand why this act is committed due to various reasons which can be tied such as that of an emotional factor. There is a deep division between two perspectives; positivists – who wish to use natural science to study their theories when possible and interpretivists – who prefer to explore the way society is constructed through people’s interactions. Durkheim argues our behaviour is caused by social facts; social forces found in the structure of society. Steven Lukes (1992) aaargues social facts have three features; they’re external to individuals, they constrain individuals shaping their behaviour and they’re greater than individuals, they exist on a different level from the individual. Durkheim argues the suicide rate is a social fact. Using quantitative data from official statistics Durkheim analysed the suicide rate from various European countries. He noted four regular patterns. The suicide rate for any given society remained more or less constant over time. When the rates did change they coincided with other changes. Different societies had different rates. Within a society the rates varies considerably between social groups. For Durkheim these patterns were evidence that suicide rates couldn’t simply be the result of the motives of individuals. In different societies these forces act with different degrees of intensity resulting in different suicide rates.Durkheim argues without regulation by socially defined goals and rules individuals desires become infinite and incapable of satisfaction.Durkheim argues suicide results from either too much or too little social integration. He creates a typology of suicide. Egoistic suicide is caused by too little social integration. Durkheim argues this is the most
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