Assess the Reasons for Napoleon’s Success to 1806?

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Napoleon was successful for a variety of reasons until 1806. Motivation, Toulon, tactics, subordinates, ambition, meritocracy, Code Napoleon, Austerlitz and the enemy making mistakes were all very influential in his success. Motivation was a significant reason for Napoleon’s success as having a motivated army that fought hard for their leader was very useful in battle. He took time to speak to his soldiers asking them how their families were, he gave them medals if they deserved it, by doing this he gave them motivation and it also meant that others around them wanted to do better to receive praise themselves from Napoleon. He also gave speeches to the army to motivate them, which also developed the feeling of comradery within the ranks. After Austerlitz, Napoleon gave a speech praising them, he said they were ‘fearless’, ‘brave’ and a part of ‘everlasting glory’. By talking to the troops positively it would have reinforced to them the reasons for them being there and fighting for Napoleon. They would also wish to perform well because they knew they were likely to receive more praise from their leader. Without the motivated troops Napoleon’s battles would not have been as successful as they were, proving how important motivation can be. Toulon is where Napoleon first shows how he can be a military leader and because of this it is important to his future success. At Toulon, Napoleon commanded the siege guns, was involved in the loading, aiming and firing which gained him the nickname of Little Corporal. This was important as it showed that he was not just a leader who would stand by not getting involved but a leader who would help out his troops and work and fight alongside them to achieve the goal regardless. He also led the infantry to attack the fort and sustained one of his only two injuries whilst again getting involved in the fighting instead of leading
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