Assess the Different Sociological Explanations for the Formation of Identity

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Assess the different sociological explanations for the formation of identity (24 marks) Identity can be defined as the way in which we see ourselves and the way that others see us. However there are different types of identity that shape us as people. Individual identity is how we see ourselves and how we define ourselves for example how we look, hair colour, eye colour and skin colour. Social identity is the identity we have little choice over such as gender and nationality. Collective identity is the identity shared by a social group this combines social and individual factors of identity for example combining the way we chose to look and the image that we have no choice over. Multiple identities is when people have multiple identities and may perceive themselves differently when they are around different social groups for example acting differently around your peers than you would around your parents. Lastly spoiled/stigmatised identity is when someone has a social stigma for example a disability therefore they may be seen as having an undesirable identity. In this essay I will consider how identity is formed. Importantly how much choice and free will do we really have over our identity and the formation of it? Macro sociologists such as Marxists, feminists and functionalists would say that we have little choice over our identities as the agencies of socialisation push identity on us and we are acceptant of this. However micro sociologists would Within society there are many different forms of socialisation. For example primary socialisation, this is the first socialisation that a person has and is generally at a very young age and through the family. Through this we learn certain parts of our identity for example our gender. When children are very young their parents buy them clothes and toys these are gender suited for example for a girl it could be having

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