She points out that women depend on men for survival and that is only seen in the human species. Her whole argument is based on the female economic dependence on the male. Gilman notes that males direct the activities associated with the female role. The author explains that by a woman having a man economically involved she is then forced to pay back the debt to the man with domestic service. According to Gilman, the result is the traditional role of mother, which then is passed on to her children.
Gender Inequality: Gender-inequality theories recognize that women's location in, and experience of, social situations are not only different but also unequal to men's. Liberal feminists argue that women have the same capacity as men for moral reasoning and agency, but that patriarchy, particularly the sexist patterning of the division of labor, has historically denied women the opportunity to express and practice this reasoning. Women have been isolated to the private sphere of the household and, thus, left without a voice in the public sphere. Even
Feminist views of the family revolve around and understanding of the term patriarchy, which means make domination. Feminists agree that men tend to have a superior position in society and that women suffer oppression because of this. Many feminists argue that the family is a corner stone of this oppression and as such needs careful analysis. Liberal feminists believe that the fanily is gradually becoming less oppressive for women, they cite the move of many families towards more symmetrical roles where men take more part in the domestic roles so that women are no longer burdened by the mundane, repetitive, low status work of cleaning, laundry and childcare work which makes their position in society less powerful than mens. However, radical feminists disagree.
Radical feminists argue that its the wives and not the husbands who are looked to in times of distress or when problems occur, Radical feminists would describe women as more likely to listen, to agree, to understand, to excuse and to flatter. Marxist feminists (who believe capitalism to be the root cause of female oppression) would agree and say women would be the ones to give the emotional support when men are frustrated from the stresses produced by working for capitalism. Being a slave to unpaid domestic labour, married women are usually financially dependant on their husbands, although women may be able to pick up a part time job, the responsibilities of looking after the family usually
Issues of Women’s Liberation from the Oppression Found in Society and Marriages Sherry Heide ENG 125 Introduction to Literature Instructor: Louise Becker 09 January 2012 Issues of Women’s Liberation from the Oppression Found in Society and Marriages What is said of women suffrage is not always true today in America or other countries, what is the truth, is that it is based largely on the perception of the woman experiencing the suffering. Women throughout time have suffered from oppression in society and in their own marriages. Gender roles are not something we are but instead something we do. It is completely unnatural for women of today to be the money makers, everything to the children (taxi, disciplinarian, etc..),take out etc cook, housekeeper and so on yet still their husbands will is forced upon the entire family instead of taking his place with his wife as partners. Did the verse found in Genesis chapter 3 vs. 16 cause centuries of women's suffrage?
) Feminists have a macro, modernist and a conflict based theory (as suggested in item 2B) which focuses on the relationship between men and women, as they claim that men are the enemy, and a source of oppression and exploitation (Radical feminist Firestone 79). Feminists see family roles as unequal, and that women are exploited in the home as they provide free labour as suggested in item 2B. This was studied by the feminist Ann Oakley (74) who done studies about family roles to contribute to our understanding of the difference between women and men. She found that the views of ‘march of progress’ thinkers were exaggerated and their claims about symmetry in the roles within the home are not correct. Her findings showed that men could help at home, but this could mean making breakfast on one occasion or taking children on Sundays, but this only gave the woman more time for her role of housekeeping.
The Second Sex: Mythologies and Contradictions, “What is a Woman”? Racel Robles Phiolosophy 327 Professor Conway Woman, Wife, Mother, Lover, Slut, Bitch…is this what a women is, what she is defined to? In andocentric society, women have been place in many lights, from the “good mother” to the “treacherous whore”. In The Second Sex, Beauvoir breaks down the construction of myths created by men in society to establish patriarchal “supremacy” over women. Such myths, Beauvoir explains, are derived trough literature and Social beliefs.
For example women gained the right to vote in the 20th century and rape in marriage was made a crime in the early 1990s. A liberal feminist, Jessie Bernard, sees the role of housewife as the key factor in limiting the potential of women. Bernard believes that marriage is particularly beneficial for men as they are more likely than single men to have successful careers, high incomes and high status occupations. However, wives are found to express marital dissatisfaction more frequently than men, since they gain least. The positive of liberal feminists are that in general the writers will have an optimistic view of the current position and future prospects of women in society and the family on the other hand the negatives of this view are that some of the social changes are proved to be incorrect for instance studies on the conjugal roles (the roles of the men and
Feminist movements have challenged the traditional stereotype of a woman’s role of being a stay at home mother and caring for her family. Women are less willing to listen and obey their patriarchal husbands, and in a majority of households; there are dual working families. Although radical feminists argue that we have still not achieved equality between men and women; there has been major improvements. The way in which feminists, as well as women in general look at younger girls has also changed. In previous years; advice given by older women to younger girls would be to make sure that they get married and they are not ‘left on the shelf’.
Radical feminists are criticised for overemphasising the power of men, People believe that it overemphasises the place of domestic violence in family life. Functionalists argue that most families live in peace. Postmodern theorists argue that individuals have much more control over family relations. I personally believe that Functionalists only see the positive side of family life; functionalists believe that family life is full of love, support and harmony, when more times than none it’s the opposite. Many families these days have a number of issues whether is domestic violence or child abuse.