As an Example of globalization Hollywood Film industry’s killing effect on the national cinema industry

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Abstract For analyzing the question that is “Is Hollywood cinema sector killing National cinemas?” I follow a way. Hollywood cinema on national cinemas and cast light upon the question whether it kills local cinemas or not and I did this by highlighting different concepts about the issue. Firstly I explained globalization and its relationship with cinema in introduction, because Hollywood cinema is very good example for globalization. After that I discussed economy of Hollywood cinema and its process. Then I tried to explain how powerful is Hollywood against the national cinemas. I used some statistics from John Hill’s book. I mentioned about the film studios’ power. And I proved that Hollywood is the leader, by using the information I found in internet about the gate revenues. Secondly ı searched national cinemas. I mentioned about the gap between national cinemas and Hollywood. I discussed that economically national cinemas can not afford competing with Hollywood. Thirdly I explained Turkish cinema industry. I mentioned how Hollywood affected our cinema industry and also mentioned about Turkish cinema history. In the conclusion I mentioned about China and Iran’s cinema industry. I mentioned about the system they use and their success against Hollywood. Lastly I tried to explain how can we save national cinemas from Hollywood’s captivity. Introduction Globalization is a concept whose name we often hear in a wide range of fields such as economy, policy, art and also mass communication. In other words, it is a process which affects people all over the world by breeding changes in different areas such as economy, policy and culture. If we talk about the relationship between globalization and cinema, Hollywood’s dominant position and changing countenance, world cinemas’ general appearance, the dissemination of

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