Article Critique of Gospel According to Jesus

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JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE of Kent, Homer A. “The Gospel According to Jesus” by J F MacArthur Jr. Grace Theological Journal Volume 10 (1989): 68-77. THEO 510 LU (fall 2012) Survey of Christian Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Tammy Chesnic September 30, 2012 Table of Contents I. Contents Page II. Body of Critique Includes the Following Sections: A. Introduction 1. Purpose statement. 2. Brief overview of the paper’s contents. B. Brief Summary 1. Capture the thesis of the article. 2. Share the overall content of the article. C. Critical Interaction 1. What prompted this theologian to write on this theological topic? 2. With what theological and biblical perspectives does he approach the subject? 3. What is the author’s goal? 4. Has the author developed his thesis logically? 5. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s arguments? 6. What are some applications that arise from this article? D. Conclusion 1. Summary of research by conveying how well the author achieved his/her goals. III. Selected Bibliography Introduction and Summary The purpose of critiquing the journal article review of Homer A. Kent “The Gospel According to Jesus”, by JF MacArthur, is to analyze his writings critically as a dispensationalist that uses a biblical and systematical theological perspective to
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