Art of War by Sun Tzu

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Art of War by Sun Tzu Sun Tzu is the author of “Art of War”, one of the most influential and sought-after books about strategies in battles. However, the Art of War now applied in other fields like politics, business, sports and many more. Of course we all know that in “Art of War”, Sun Tzu was talking about warfare and strategies that can be used to defeat you enemy but, it can also be used to explain human behavior. More specifically there will be quotes pulled from this book to show how they can also be used to examine the behavior of businessmen and college students away for the first time. Master sun said: “Weigh the situation carefully Before making a move. Victory belongs to the man who can master The stratagem of The crooked And the straight”. When Master sun started that quote with weight the situation carefully he advised you to figure out the situation you are in and plan what will happen next before striking the opponent or making your next move. Now this applies to the art of business because a good businessman knows that you have to weigh your options and next moves before making you final moves. Now the second part of that quote is talking about knowing your enemies’ strategy and being victorious. In the business world there will always be another business trying to get ahead of you and how do you stay ahead and some may even be dirty about it. You stay ahead of them by always knowing their strategy and staying one foot ahead of them and if you do then you will be victorious (Tzu p. 43) Master sun said: “The soldier’s spirit is keenest in the morning; By noon it has dulled; By evening he has begun to think of home”. With this quote let’s think of a teenager who is leaving their home and going away for college. Now going away from college is a tough thing you have a new school, environment, friends, and place you call home. Just like in Master

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