Arguments In Favor Of Gun Control In The United States

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I am sick and tired of hearing all the talk about guns and how their use should be controlled. Why do guns have to be registered? Why do people that desire to have a gun have to pass a background check in order to obtain one? So what if the person desiring a gun is an ex con convicted of armed robbery, out on parole. Is that really any one's business? Also anyone should be allowed to purchase a gun because is this not the land of freedom? That should include the freedom to purchase a gun and use it for whatever we choose to. It should not matter that by registering guns, police detectives would have an easier time tracking its owner if involved in a crime and ultimately leading to solving crimes a lot quicker. Guns definitely serve a lot of useful purposes other than killing. In fact, guns can…show more content…
I find it very hilarious when a person walks into a bank or store, and aims a gun at the cashier or teller, demanding the employees, or owners to turn over all the money. The individuals in such cases say things like, "I was intimidated by the gun," or here is a good one, "I thought I was going to die." I mean guns are simply made out of steel that shoot off bullets which can be harmful if they puncture a person in the wrong spot, but that really is no big deal. The gun itself cannot shoot bullets. This requires an acutal person to pull the trigger. The person waving the gun around is the lunatic that needs control. Can you imagine what our country would look like if we had no regulations on gun control? I guess it would make it easier for people to obtain money and other goods when they visit stores. A person could simply walk up to a cashier and wave the gun at the cashier, and walk out without having to pay a dime for their purchase. For poor people struggling to survive, this would definitely be a very useful tool for

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