Argumentative Essay: The Spanish American War

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Spanish American War “The United States had no choice but to keep the Philippines after they won it in the Spanish American War,” is a valid statement. The reasons behind this are, the U.S. wanted to expand the navy by placing a naval station in Philippines in case of an emergency, they wanted to point the country towards a democratic government, and they wanted to modernize the nation. The Philippines became an independent nation on July 4, 1946.By placing a naval station in the Philippine would increase the U.S’s power over the water and be able to act quickly in case of an emergency. Also, trading could be done more and with better countries because new business opportunities would have been available to the U.S. By establishing a democracy for the Philippines, the country would grow stronger and eventually not even need the U.S to provide aid for them anymore. Through successful civilian administration, the Islands were modernized and the nation prepared for eventual independence. President Theodore Roosevelt established a naval base in the Philippines at Subic Bay in 1901. By establishing this naval base in the Philippines, Roosevelt viewed it as a critical strategic asset in opposition of Japan's growing military. This Naval base also provided a key opportunity to trade with China, who had just come out of isolation. China had many natural…show more content…
. President Theodore Roosevelt created a naval base in the Philippines because it opened trade with China, who had just come out of isolation. The U.S. wanted the Philippines to be a democracy so the people could finally have control. By modernizing the Philippines it prepared the nation to become
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