Iraq Prison Scandal In the year 2003 The Bush administration justified and led the American people into war with Iraq. The White house reported claims that Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, had weapons of mass destruction and that the people of Iraq were living under brutal dictatorship from their leader. Ostensibly the war was to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and eviscerate and remnants of Alqaeda and its affiliates. The war mongers of both sides (democrats and republicans), wanted someone or something to blame for 9/11. After selling their lies and plans for the war to the America people, congress had given President Bush carte blanche to bring justice to those who caused pain and destruction on American soil.
A retired Army Colonel who worked with Hasan by the name of Terry Lee expressed that Hasan talked about how he wanted President Obama to pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. (Breckenridge, 2009) Therefore based on retired Terry Lee’s remarks on Hasan feelings, Hasan’s motive with the Ft. Hood shootings is to garner support for stopping American war occupancy in Muslim countries Like Afghanistan and Iraq. Like other individuals who share the same feelings as Hasan, supporting the Muslin or Islamic ideals is something that they would die or do something extreme for. So when Hasan, received orders to deploy to Afghanistan he became emotional and felt it necessary to react to keep from fighting against his Muslim
The first planned attack was to send 3,000 bombs and missiles out on the Iraqi people where civilians were among the population, unarmed and innocent. This went against the theory where “Civilians are never permissible targets of war and every effort must be taken to avoid killing civilians. The deaths of civilians are justified only if they are unavoidable victims of a deliberate attack on a military target.” It was clear that this was not the case. It has been argued that if the intent to go to Iraq was for a change in government, that it would be morally justified. If the sole reason for war was to capture Sadaam and his officials, this would then be unjust.
40 passengers and crew died. Motive Al-Qaeda was created in 1989 from Arab volunteers and is opposed to all non-Islamic governments. It was lead by Osama Bin Laden. They specifically wished to drive America from Saudi Arabia which they considered to be very holy as Mecca and Melina are here. They will challenge non-Islamic governments in anyway, including force.
Barrack Obama must act fast before it is too late and more Americans get killed. Isis is aware of the United States planning to airstrike their territory and has taken American hostages to send messages through beheading videos to scare America. This puts all the pressure on president Barrack Obama to act now. But we all know it’s not that simple, the militant said in the beheading video to
Even President Obama mixed up Afghanistan and Iraq in an interview and stated three times that the US would withdraw all troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2011. The wars blend together despite their key differences. The War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq have different logistical operations, causes of entrance relations with the local government, and international responses. There are large logistical differences [between the two conflicts]. The United States [officially] entered Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 (Wintour) and [officially] entered Iraq on March 20, 2003 (Pollack).
Operation Iraq Freedom When they surrendered in the first Gulf War, Gulf War I, they agreed to allow inspections of WMD. They kicked the inspectors out and started shooting at our planes in the no-fly zone. More babies are aborted each and every day in the USA than the number of USA troops killed in Iraq since the beginning of the war. If people are worried about life, they should be working to stop abortion instead of the war. The average age of the soldier in Iraq is 30 years old so when you hear someone say to get our kids, boys, young men, out of Iraq, they don't understand what is happening over there.
Saddam Hussein and his Baathist Party in Iraq controlled the people of Iraq; it was constituted of Sunnis, who controlled the government. During this time period, Shiites made up 60% of the population and the Sunnis only made up 20%. Saddam Hussein brutally suppressed and killed thousands of Shiite civilians. In 2003, the U.S. invaded Iraq and overthrew Saddam Hussein. Most of the government officials were removed from their positions but were still determine to force the US out of Iraq and remain the dominant force.
Trumps missions to ‘make America great again’ and to ‘keep America safe’, have undoubtedly influenced US policies. Trumps decision to ‘close the door’ on refugees, by signing an executive order suspending America’s refugees for four months, with the banning of muslins being one of his election campaign promises (Diamond & Almasy, 2017) . In a national speech, Trump declares an American ‘shut down’ until “our countries representatives can figure out what the hell is going on” (Ye Hee Lee & Kessler, 2016). Trumps executive order is not only limited to Syrian refugees but migrants from all other countries are also restricted (Diamond & Almasy, 2017). In 2016, Trump also announced his intention to build a border wall between the US and Mexico, yet another attempt to restrict migration into the US.
They were allotted time to find proper childcare, causing problems in the movement of soldiers overseas. In 1992, the Department of Defense (DOD) created DOD Instruction 1342.19, Family Care Plans, ensuring this problem does not happen again. (Powers, 2010) The military also stopped enlisting single parents at that time. It states in Army Regulation 601-210, “Persons who are sole parents would be placed in positions, as any other Soldier, where they are required at times to work long or unusual hours, to be available for worldwide assignment, and to be prepared for mobilization, all of which would create conflicting duties between children and military requirements for the sole parent.” People, who are single parents and want to join the army, must not have custody of their child. If a single parent wishes to join the military, they have to give up custody either to the other parent or to another person.