Argumentation Essay for a Short Translation [En to Ro]

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The excerpt I chose to use for this mid-term paper is the Court scene from the movie 'Scent of a Woman', its target audience including not only middle-age persons but also teen population, as it is intended as life lesson and advice of good behavior. The type of language used in the excerpt is not one of great difficulty, although some of the idioms cannot be translated by word but require a rather functional approach. Some examples that raised problems in this translation, in choosing between either idiomatic or functional translation, would be: in line 1, the phrase "out of order" may have the idiomatic translation as "ieşit din ordine" or, to use synonyms "neliniştit", "dezordonat" but I chose to use "de-a valma", because it represents the meaning of the English idiom better and it also fits with the character's manner of talking; in line 13, the verbs "torn out" and "ripped off" have a similar meaning, both implying a sudden and painful destruction and for that I choose to use the Romanian words "spulberat" for the first verb (which is the actual translation for it) and "distruse" for the second one, instead of either "furate" or "rupte" because it sustains the original idea of the English meaning; in line 16, the word "prosthetic" meaning "proteză" was translated as such because it is in connection with the preceding image of men mutilated by war; in line 18, the phrase "with his tails between his legs" has a matching equivalent in Romanian "cu coada între picioare" which I used; in line 20, although the verb "to execute" has an exact match in Romanian ("a executa") I did not use it, but chose "a omorâ" since that was the specific meaning used in the original text; in line 32, the word "bough" was translated with "picior" instead of "creangă" or "ramură" for being connected to the preceding word "cradle" as being a part of it, most likely the support; in lines

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