Are Parents the Best Teachers?

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In the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, teacher is defined as someone whose job is to teach, especially in school or college. In life we has many teachers from primary school all the way up to university. However, we often ignore that the best teachers in life are our parents. They have great influence when we are children, the period for one to form his personality. They instil values, outlooks on life, principles etc into us. They also use the most effective ways to teach us. Although some may disagree with me, I still believe that they are the best teachers. When we are children, parents have great influence on us. From the time we are born we spend the most time with our parents. There is a theory that the longer two people stay together the more influence they have on each other. Thus, the time spent make parents influence us more than we think. Moreover, when people spend more time together, they will understand each other more. This is to say, parents understand us better than others. They know our habits and real personalities. They know the right way to give us advice. Therefore, they have great influence on us. Their influences are in different aspects, such as values, outlook on life, principles and attitudes. It is common that we find someone is similar with his parents in these aspects. All these aspects determine what a person is, how he reacts with others, how successful his career will be and how he will live his life. Thus, what parents teach us is very important in our life. Not only the things they teach us is the most important, but also the ways they teach are the most effective. People will remember 75% of what they see and only 20%of what they hear. Parents teach their children in an indirect way that children can remember in the whole life: they teach more by setting examples. Children learn to respect the old if their parents

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