Are Men and Women Equal in Society ?

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The question of sex equality raises many complex issues. What is equality? Are men and women in fact equal, or indeed it has been argued, should they be? Should women strive for equal positions in the present social structure if that structure is one with a male ideology, as Dorothy smith maintains, or should they strive to change the structure? Marxists believe that equality between sexes is not possible within our present system. The principle of equality attributed to Aristotle (Mappes & Zembaty 1977, 117) states that equals must be treated as equals while unequals should be treated unequally according to their differences. Although Aristotle felt that women were unequal to men, I think the principle can be used to argue for sex equality. Treating people equally does not necessarily mean identically, but according each person an equal intrinsic dignity. First of all I would like to look at arguments put forward for discriminatory treatment against women. Treatment which feminists argue has placed men in an economically, educationally and socially advantageous position in relation to women. Physical differences between men and women have often been used as a reason for inequality. These, according to Anne Marie Henshell can be subdivided into several categories, sexual characteristics, biochemistry, (hormones), body size, and strength, biological vulnerability and sensor motor differences. She points out that since women gave birth and nursed babies it was only a natural step to caretaking. In fact, she states, it would have been dysfunctional for our forefathers who were gatherers and hunters to be charged with the care of the children when they could not nurse them. She suggests that their capacity to reproduce the species and the necessity for them to be protected may have meant that women were considered superior in the past. Only when reproduction was
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