Are Human Rights Infringed In Mental Health Treatm

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Are human rights infringed in treatment for mental health? During mental health treatment in UK many people do not have access to information about their human rights. Lack of information often leads to the infringement of the patient`s human rights as people do not realise what they can do about their situation. The area of mental health poses a complicated area for health professionals and human rights and consent is the basic problem, what does the law say about treatment against or without the patients will? This discussion will; highlight the rights of the mentally ill patients when being treated in the UK; consider the common law provisions in respect for the need of consent for mentally ill patients; outline and evaluate how some of the treatments have been viewed as being controversial; outline what ethics are and how they can be applied to human rights and mental health. According to (World Health Organisation, 2012), mental health is a condition of good feeling whereby an individual become aware of their abilities and can deal with normal stress of life can work effectively and successfully and be able to make a significant addition to his or her community. While (Mental health foundation, 2012), mentions that being mentally healthy does not mean one does not have a mental health problem. It goes further by highlighting that mental health stretch from the day to day worries to severe long term conditions. Mental health problems are generally defined and categorised to allow professionals to pass on people for well suited care and medical care. Some of these diagnoses are debatable. A large number of people getting treatment in the psychiatric hospitals are informal patients which mean they have made a choice to enter the hospital voluntarily. Informal patients possess the same rights as patients being treated for physical treatment however formal

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