Are Computers Completely Beneficial?

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In today’s world, we are very lucky in the sense that technology is all around us. Computers are now a part of our everyday lives, and a lot of the things we see around us were created using computer technology or are operated by computers. It is apparent that computers can be beneficial to us, but are they completely beneficial? By looking at both sides of this argument, I aim to find out. Communication has become easier due to the invention of computers. Before telephones, handwritten letters to get in contact with people was the only method. Now, instead of making a phone call to someone, there is the quicker and cheaper option of simply sending an e-mail. Emails can contain pictures and documents making it simpler for information to be passed on. Also, if families live apart, sending pictures through emails is a great way to stay in touch, and keep families close. However, it’s also arguable that many people would prefer to physically speak over the phone. Perhaps seeing pictures of family would be meaningful to some, but maybe to actually hear a long distance relative’s voice can be more personal and rewarding to others. Also it can be difficult to recognise the tone of an email. Speaking allows you to sense the person’s mood, intention and how honest they are being. In the home, computers have made life more efficient for many people. It has enabled people to work from home and therefore have more time to spend with their families. They can spend a few hours in a home office, and achieve just as much as they would in the workplace. Working from home can enable them to choose their own hours which means they are able to fit work around family life. Also, for homework purposes, the internet is very helpful. All the information you could possibly need is in one place, which saves making the trip to the library and trawling through countless books. It has

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