Architectural Language Essay

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. The forms used in an architectural language should represent the ideas that are connected to a specific program. Architectural language creates an image that suggests its function. The function of a building type strongly influences its design and construction and originates from the logical construction of forms and spaces that in themselves express an idea. Instead of the adornment reflecting the function, the entire building is created to resemble something related to its usage. Architectural form is influenced by scientific knowledge, however the technology of a building is traditional and the understanding of it is collective. For example precast concrete has not made brick obsolete. Despite the fact that through the centuries design and construction have become highly complex, this involved system relies upon preindustrial customs that have been implemented from eras during which most structures were lived in by those who built them. The technical requirements of the building are the fundamental, to elude gravity, to prevent enemies and to avoid distress caused by excess heat or cold and by the invasion of pests or rain or wind. Buildings types must be designed to have a useful and convenient passage and program and are differentiated by their use and function. Each of the different types of buildings should have attributes that set them apart from one another through characteristics. For example a Museum is used for learning and the display of artifacts, a house is used as living quarters and a church a sacred place of prayer. These buildings have features that set them apart; a house has a flat roof whereas churches have domes. All buildings are unique and should be logically organized and support rational standards. Neoclassical architecture clearly depicted the function of a building through its grandeur of proportion and simplicity of
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