Apy3702 - Assignment 1

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QUESTION 1: a) The six principles of the anthropological perspective serve not only as guidelines for research, but also shape the anthropologists academic values. 1. Holism This perspective entails that the anthropologist study humans and their activities in the fullest context. Every sociocultural change that occurs impacts every aspect of the cultural system. 2. Encompassing range of interests This perspective is an extension of holism. By studying every type of sociocultural system in every part of the world, anthropologists gain a deeper understanding of the broad range of human behaviour. 3. Cross-Cultural comparisons This perspective leads the anthropologist to compare different sociocultural systems to the find the common principles between them. The similarities can help solve social, ethnic and general communication problems. 4. Sociocultural systems Anthropologists who study culture must not lose sight of the people. It is individuals interacting with each other and their sociocultural and physical environment that makes up the sociocultural systems. 5. Sociocultural relativism The perspective involves the anthropologist understanding different sociocultural systems from the perspective of those that make up that system. Human behaviour is studied as per its own particular set of circumstances and historical development. 6. Fieldwork Fieldwork entails seeing and experiencing the world through the eyes and perspective of those people being researched. This method entails intensive interviewing and participant observation. Qualitative data is collected by means of first-hand experience and observing humans in their natural context. b) The goal of the anthropological approach is a credible interpretation of the data. To be credible the data must be well described, believable, trustworthy, reliable, provide

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