Apple Case Analysis

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Topic: Case analysis: Apple Introduction: Three “Apples” have changed the world so momentously. One “Apple”-eaten by Adam, second “Apple” - which fell down from the tree, while Newton was resting under that tree. Third “Apple” which you might see in a person's hand more often than a real apple now a days. Apple Inc was founded by two college drop out students: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with the motto of “Think Differently”. Apple Inc is one of the most well-known and respected companies in today’s business world. It emerged stronger than ever from the recent recession and with its new innovations, released a wide range of impressive consumer electronic products that took the industry by storm. Apple has been named the “World’s Most Admired Company” by Fortune magazine four years in a row. To evaluate the progress, success, and the threats of the companies, the SWOT analysis is used. The SWOT analysis is a strategic planing tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the organization. This model helps in identifying internal and external area We will examine Apple Inc.: forces of competition, threats and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses, the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies as well as the company’s value chain to determine how its maintains the title of the World’s Most Admired and Innovative Company. Apple Inc. is the undisputed leader among technology companies for creating products that are different from available products in market. Apple’s focus on innovation and marketing strategy has helped it maintain a competitive advantage over other major industry players that have historically been much stronger. Apple was initiated as a computer-business company, however much of Apple’s success has been attributed to its music- and video-related products, in addition to the iPhone. Apple's

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