Ap World History Chapter 17 Questions

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1. In Spanish colonies, Europeans dominated church, government, and commerce. Wealthy American-born creoles controlled agriculture and mining. Some elite Amerindian families prospered as ranchers, muleteers, and merchants but most lived in deprived conditions as most Amerindians. Africans served as slaves on plantations. In the southern English colonies, there were plantation owners, indentured servants, and slaves, in the middle colonies there were traders, and in the northern colonies there were small farmers and manufacturers. New France was composed of fur trappers and missionaries. 2. The sugar plantations of the Portuguese in Brazil and the silver mines Spain in Peru and Mexico both aided in the economic development of colonial Latin America. The profits produced from these economic centers concentrated labor resources and investment capital, stimulated the growth of colonial cities, and promoted the development of agriculture and pastoralism in surrounding rural areas. 3. Amerindians used for labor in Spanish and Portuguese American colonies died due to disease and caused a labor shortage. To fill in the labor shortage Spanish and Portuguese American colonies used African slaves for labor on plantations. 4. The English and French colonized the Americas almost a century after the Spanish and Portuguese because both countries were involved in military conflicts in Europe and had to allocate resources to these conflicts. The French and English colonies were similar to the Spanish and Portuguese because they did use diplomacy to interact with the natives, but often resorted to violence. African slaves were a critical factor in the development of all the colonies. Differences between the two groups of colonies were that English colonies incorporated market intelligence, organization, and flexibility for economic sucess while Spanish and Portuguese colonies
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