Ap Chemistry Lab

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AP Chemistry 9/7/12 Separation of the Components of a Mixture Purpose: to familiarize oneself with the methods of separating substances from one another using decantation, extraction, and sublimation. Background: In a daily basis, we encounter mixtures like the sodas we drink, our fuel we put in our cars, and the ground we walk on. The isolation of pure components of a mixture requires the separation of the component from another. The methods used: 1. Sublimation: this involves heating a solid until it passes directly from the solid phase to a gas. 2. Extraction: this uses a solvent to selectively dissolve one component of the solid mixture. With this technique, a soluble solid can be separated from an insoluble solid. 3.…show more content…
How do you account for the difference between the original mass and the product sum mass? I had more that I started with. 6. Could the separation have been done in a different order (ie. water extraction before sublimation)? Why or why not? NO, because there wouldn’t have been a way the separate the sodium chloride from the sand if we extracted the water first. 7. Consult a handbook or the internet to describe a way to separate barium sulfate and NaCl. To separate, simply add water. NaCl is soluble in water, while BaSO4 is not. The NaCl will dissolve. Filter the liquid with the suspended solid, so that the liquid is in one beaker and the solid is in the filter paper. Gently evaporate the water from the NaCl solution while allowing the BaSO4 to dry and you've separated them. 8. Consult a handbook or the internet to describe a way to separate magnesium chloride and silver chloride. AgCl is insoluble, while MgCl2 is soluble, so they can be separated by filtration, and recrystallisation can be used to get solids. 9. Consult a handbook or the internet to describe a way to separate tellurium dioxide from silicon dioxide. Tellurium dioxide is not soluble in water or acid. Silicon dioxide on the other hand is soluble in Hydrofluoric acid. Weigh your mixture of TeO2 and SiO2. Add HF acid. Allow the SiO2 to dissolve. Decant your acid solution. Dry and weigh the remaining

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