Ap Book Report For Romeo And Juliet

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AP Book Report 1. Title of Work: This should be self-evident (UNDERLINE OR ITALICIZE) 2. Author and date written: Use the date or time period when the novel was written not he date of publication. 3. Country of author: For American authors be sure to include the state or region of the country. 4. Characters (label as major or minor) with brief descriptions of each; include at least two adjectives for each and brief commentary. 5. Major settings, with a description of each and its effect on the reader: If there are too many settings, select 1-3 representative settings. Use the specific details (direct quotes if necessary) to create a vivid image. Include a concise analysis of the effect of the setting on the reader, ie. Extreme…show more content…
Major themes of the work (single words and phrases), with some elaboration of each: Be concise! A theme is stated “Love conquers all” not Romeo and Juliet discover that their love is so strong that it helps them overcome the objections of friends, family, and all the other differences they have. I t even helps them overcome death. 8. Symbols in the book, with at least 2 instances where each symbol appears and commentary on significance of each: Look for large,, significant symbols: the conch in “ Lord of the Flies” or the tree in “A Separate Peace” or the mockingbird in “To Kill A Mocking”. Include at least 2 symbols if at all possible *NEED AT LEAST 2 DIRECT PASSAGES FROM BOOK WITH PAGE NUMBER. *FOR EVERY DIRECT PASSAGE, ADD 3+ SENTENCES OF COMMENTARY. 9. Other significant imagery? Look for striking and/or distinctive imagery. *NEED 3 DIRECT PASSAGES FROM BOOK WITH PAGE NUMBERS. *FOR EVERY DIRECT PASSAGE, ADD 3+ SENTENCES OF COMMENTARY 10. Significance of title of work: Do not just explain the literal meaning. Be sure to include an in-depth

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