Ap Bio Sugar Lab

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Mathew Taylor & Melvin Akins and Brendan Block 3 10/17/11 * 18/25 The Sweetness and Gas Formed by Both Monosaccharide isomers and Disaccharide isomers +5 * Intro = +3 Monosaccharides are the most basic unit of sugars. Monosaccharaides cannot be broken down to simpler sugars by hydrolysis because it is already in its simplest form cite. Examples of monosaccharides include glucose dextrose, fructose (Biology-Online, 2008). Disaccharides are any of a class of carbohydrates, including lactose and sucrose that have two monosaccharaides upon hydrolysis (Farlex, Inc., year?). Anaerobic respiration is a process which happens inside the cells in when carbohydrates, such as those listed above, are broken down. When glucose is broken down into energy and is released so it can be used by the cells. Anaerobic respiration is when glucose is broken and the products generated from this are energy and either lactic acid or ethanol (alcohol) and CO2 (Anaerobic Respiration, 2011). How does this connect? Taste buds can recognize four basic kinds of tastes sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. The sweet taste buds are located towards the front of the tongue. The sour taste buds line the sides of your tongue; and the bitter taste buds are found at the very back of the tongue (Oracle Education Foundation, 2011). So…? The purpose of this lab is to ……………… It’s predicted that if monosaccharaides and disaccharides are tested for sweetness, then the disaccharide will be more senses it has more sugar bonds than a monosaccharide. It’s also predicted that if monosaccharide isomers and disaccharide isomers are used in anaerobic respiration, then more gas will be produced by monosaccharaides. Procedure- see page 68 +5 Materials: Water, fermentation tubes for each kind of sugar, yeast, tape and marker for labeling, paper towel, sugar Data: Figure 1 You have extra
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