Anysu Short Story

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Fear, death and helplessness, all these things could be found in the carthage under the threat of a petrifying beast that was named Anysu. It seems almost infeasible that just a few weeks earlier Carthage had been the richest city in the world. All this wealth came to our city thanks to our naval dominance of the mediterranean and our mercantile economy. The markets of our city were filled with a diverse range of luxuries from all around the mediterranean. The monster to bring all this destruction would come to kill only one man, but in his rage would end up ravaging the whole city. Before the monster came I knew little about my family history, other than that i had been abandoned in the streets when I was young and brought up by a local…show more content…
To the guards he looked like a tall man with a very scarred face, and a sort of limping walk, but, when the guards refused him entry they came to know that he was much more of a threat than he appeared. The monster seemed to become enraged and, by some godlike interference, became four times the size of his original appearance. He clutched both the guards, one in each hand, and crushed them, he did so with the strength of one hundred warriors. After he had squeezed both men till he had heard their rib cages collapse, the monster threw them onto the ground and made a symbol on their head, he was an x with a circle on top of it. Immediately after he had marked the dead guards with the symbol, he turned back to his original size and looked around as if he had heard something, he then ran back into the surrounding…show more content…
Sure enough, I heard another person scream as the monster asked with his thundering voice where he could find Mathos Tetramnestus, son of Hanno Tetramnestus, who had left him with the scars that are now permanently engraved in his face. Once again, there was no reply from the townsperson. He was crushed. I heard no other screams for the rest of the night. Finally dawn came, and once again all the people of carthage had stayed inside. As the sky became light again, I wondered who Mathos and Hanno Tetramnestus were. To find out who they were, I thought I would go to the library to see if there had been any documentation about Mathos and Hanno. I looked through the shelves for hours before I found a book on them, in this book it stated that Hanno, had attempted to kill a beast by the name of Anysus, who could become enraged and turn four times his normal size to kill anyone, Hanno was eventually killed by the, but, he left him with many scars on his face. Mathos was his son, he abandoned him in carthage before he went of to fight Anysus. I came to a realization, I was Mathos, son of Hanno Tetramnestus, who had left him with the scars that are now permanently engraved in his face. I felt as though I had to confront the monster and tell him who I was so he would stop killing others, but I knew i wouldn't go down without a fight. I took the book I had

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