Antigone: The True Villain

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“Antigone” is one of many Greek tragedies’ that are still told and studied around the world today. Although many that read “Antigone” see the tyranny of King Creon as the true villain and evil in the story, with the lives of the royal family as the victims of unneeded bloodshed of what seems to be an irrational King. As a reader and onlooker of the story the wishes of a king to be respected and feared, is a duty all in its own and the weakness of his own royal family to fail him and his wishes was the true culprit of the tragedy. Antigone was emotionally hurt in graving for the lost of her brother and angry that his body would suffer the horrors of nature’s ugly side of death that what is killed is eaten and taken back into the earth that created…show more content…
As punishment Polynices will suffer as the example for the people, that no matter who you are, royal or not the full force of the kings’ power will be use against you. This is common practice for anyone that is new to a position of power especially when one is such as the story of “Antigone”. We see a clear example of Creon trying to hide the fact that Antigone was the one to disobey him by telling the guard to not say anything of the news. A King that is irrational would have not tried to calm the problem or solve it and would make Antigone a public example just like Polynices. King Creon does not even have a chance to truly make Antigone understand his point before she takes matters in to her own hands and take her own life. If only Creon would have found a way to make Antigone see that his position on her brother was to prevent future bloodshed and conflicts, he might have saved the flood of suicide to come. Antigone just could not bear to understand or cooperate with such repulsive actions that she felt were done to her that she could not see the bigger pitcher which would keep the peace and her family

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