Antigone Leadership Analysis

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Antigone and Leadership This piece will discuss leadership, morality and gender as it relates to power. These issues are set in the ancient Greek city of Thebes in the play Antigone, a tragedy written by Sophocles. First it is necessary to set the stage. Antigone was the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. Briefly, Oedipus unknowingly killed his father, and married his mother, siring a daughter named Antigone. When Oedipus, on discovering that Jocasta, the mother of his children, is also his own mother, puts his eyes out and steps down as King of Thebes, Antigone accompanies him into exile. Oedipus gives the kingdom to his two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, who agree to alternate the throne every year. Eteocles, at the end of his first year of rule,…show more content…
Better to fall from power, if we must, by a man's hand; then we should not be called weaker than a woman.” In contemporary times, ‘gender-holism’ is a solution to male hierarchical and hegemonic practices as opposed to Creon’s assertion, “henceforth they must be women, and not range at large; for verily even the bold seek to fly, when they see Death now closing on their life.” As an expression of agency verses agent, Americans see themselves as agents, that is as individuals distinct from others. Whereas, the Chinese are often involved in a Confucian perspective where the whole or the agency is more important than while some other societies see themselves as not very different from other selves. There may be a distinct difference in the placement of agency for Creon and Antigone. For Creon, the throne of the city state expresses agency, for Antigone, agency rests within a moral order and family loyalty above the state. Her brother sought to sustain an agreement requested by their father Oedipus, to rotate the throne between the

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