Antidrug Matrix Essay

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University of Phoenix Material Anti-Drug Legislation Matrix Complete the matrix by selecting three states to add below Federal. Then, answer each question listed in the first row for each corresponding law. | |Is |What are the|What are the|What are the |What is the blood alcohol |Is there extreme DWI or DUI? If so, | | |marijuana |penalties |penalties |penalties for |level for a driving while |what is the punishment? | | |illegal? |for |for |possession of |intoxicated (DWI) or | | | | |possession |possession |prescription |driving under the influence| | | | |of cocaine? |of heroin? |drugs? |(DUI) crime? | | |Federal | | | | | | | |California |Marijuana, |For a |Possession |If someone is |It is illegal for you to |While there is a minimum sentence in| | |for any |conviction |of heroin is|convicted of |drive while your blood |California statute, a judge can | | |use, is |of |classified |stealing |alcohol level is .08% or |increase the recommended sentence | | |illegal |possession |as a felony |prescription |greater. |for any enhancements he sees in the | | |under |of cocaine, |in |medications or | |case such as whether you were | | |federal |you will be |California. |forging | |speeding at the time of arrest, | | |law. |sentenced to|This means

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