Anti Microbial Properties of Lemon Grass

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 .2009(2)ff (1)f x  א %} w} א b} אhא א 198 Study the antimicrobial activity of Lemon grass leaf extracts. Isam S. hamza Sundus H Ahmed Hussaine Aoda Ministry of science& Technology Abstract Antimicrobial properties of Lemon grass were investigated against both clinical and laboratory isolates of both bacteria and fungi using the disc diffusion method. Acetone extracts (15 mm zone diameter of inhibition, MIC 250 µg/mL and MBC 300 µg /mL) demonstrated the highest activity, followed by dichloromethane (7 mm zone diameter of inhibition, MIC 300 µg /mL and MBC 400 µg/mL), methane (7.5 mm diameter of inhibition, MIC 400 µg /mL and MBC 400 µg /mL) and hexane (5.8 mm zone zone diameter of inhibition, MIC 800 µg/mL and MBC 1000 µg/mL). Water extracts demonstrated the least activity against the test bacteria and fungi (4 mm zone diameter of inhibition, MIC 900 µg/mL and MBC 900 µg/mL). Phyto constituents present included Saponins, Tannins, Alkaloids and Flavonoids. Lemon grass can be used to source antibiotic substances for possible treatment of bacterial and fungal infections. Key words :Lemon grass, antimicrobial property, extract antibiotic  .2009(2)ff (1)f x  א %} w} א b} אhא א 199 INTRODUCTION Lemon grass belongs to the section of Andropogan called Cymbopogam of the family Germineae. A very large genus of the family, including about 500 described species out of which eight species occur in Iraq. Due to the production of lemon grass oil as major component, two of the species i.e. Cymbopogan citrates and C. flexuosus are generally called Lemon grass (1). Medicinal use of lemongrass is known to mankind since antiquity. Its oil has been used to cure various ailments like cough, cold, spitting of blood, rheumatism, lumbago, digestive problems, bladder problems, leprosy, and as

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