Ant-Censorship Debate Paper

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Anti-Censorship Media Debate Research Paper Anti-Censorship: Media Debate and Research Paper Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines censorship as, "to examine material in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable". This research paper is focused on censorship in television. Three main points will be discussed through the paper in order to help the reader gain a better understanding of the roles censorship, the government, and individuals play in censoring media. The first point discussed is whether television censorship violates citizens First Amendment rights. The second point addressed whose job it is to monitor censorship; the Government/FCC or individuals. And the final point examined the consequences of censorship. The question of whether or not censorship violates peoples First Amendment rights began with the famous court case, FCC v. Pacifica in 1978. The Supreme Court made an exemption to the First Amendment when it granted the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) the right to regulate “indecent” broadcast material. Although the FCC was cautioned to “exercise [its] authority with the utmost restraint, lest we inhibit constitutional rights” (Winter, 2007); that is not always upheld. Tension and controversy between the media and the public have been present long before television ever existed, but the increase in modern technology has also increased controversy regarding censorship. Finding a way to make broadcasting regulations compatible with peoples fundamental right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression has become increasingly difficult. Regulations imposed on television by the government are not supposed to be contrary to the principles laid down in the First Amendment, but that does not always hold true. The First Amendment from the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights is as follows: “Congress shall
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