Anne Bradstreet Essay

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Anne Bradstreet was an intelligent and brilliant woman in her era. She wrote poetry as a hobby and never thought of it becoming anything to society, just a way of escaping her harsh reality. She based all of her poems on real events including her life as a mother and wife to the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Through her poetry she expressed and elaborated on how the typical life was for woman in her era. The poet conveys her poetry to having a spouse that is not physically present, the love she shares with her husband “upon public employment”, and the love of being a full time mother. In Anne Bradstreet’s poems, she portrays the undesirable feelings she held within towards the absence of her husband, but also expresses the love she has for him upon his nonappearance and her desirable love for her children. In the era Anne Bradstreet existed in, women were more respected as stay at home mothers and caretakers rather education investors and becoming people of high stature. Anne Bradstreet was the wife of a well-accomplished and known politician and was obligated to commit to any tribulations to further appear within her commitment to her husband. In “A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Employment” the poet refers to her husband as the sun “My sun is gone so far in’s zodiac”. Bradstreet expresses that her “sun” has gone far, which is her husband who is away because of work in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In this poem she appears disappointed and unhappy that her husband isn’t present for her much needed affection. The poet doesn’t seem to be mad at her husband, but instead at the situation she has been placed in. She mentions, “His warmth such frigid colds did cause to melt.” Expressing how his presence warmed her cold soul and made all ok, she assured all that with his appearance all problems would vanish due to the intensity of their divine

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