To earn some extra money Harriet wrote for local magazines and papers. Harriet became a literary sensation when “Uncle Toms Cabin was published. She got her inspiration for the book because Harriet lost four of her seven children, Her son Samuel Charles died at eighteen months from cholera, and her son Henry drowned while a student at Dartmouth college. Years later
Georgiana is a beautiful woman, whose only flaw is the human feeling of love; in which she loves her husband unconditionally and gives her all to him. Every man she comes in contact with lust over her and believes that she is amazing. She never once contemplated leaving her husband for one of the men that follow her around and treat her likes the true angel she is; in-stead she stays with her unsatisfied husband. He is unsatisfied because Georgiana is not perfect in every single way; for Georgiana has a small birthmark on her right cheek, a crimson hand as if a fairy has placed its hand upon her. Her husband, Aylmer, grows more and more annoyed with her only imperfection as every day passes.
Romeo was still heartbroken by Rosaline and Juliet thought she would marry no one she liked in the least bit at all. In Act 1 Scene 4 Romeo says “I have a soul of lead, so stakes me to the ground I will never move.” He says this out of sadness of not being able to marry Rosaline. This was literally a few moments before Romeo sees Juliet for the first time. It supports that Romeo was vulnerable to love as he was stricken with sadness resulting in his attraction to Juliet merely to distract himself, not out of true love. As for Juliet, she was vulnerable as well as she wanted to choose any man other than Paris to marry.
Katherine Anne Porter was born on May 15, 1890 in Indian Creek Texas. Her mother’s name was Mary Alice Jones Porter, and her father was Harrison Boone Porter. Katherine seemed to blame her father for her mother’s death in 1892 she was then raised by her grandmother, Catherine Ann Skaggs Porter. Her grandmother told her many intriguing stories of the civil war and their families past; this was Katherine’s first introduction to storytelling. At the age of 16, she made an awful harsh decision, she ran away to marry her first of four husbands John Koontz.
This starts the chain of letters between the father and daughter. The only of his children to inherit his brilliance, Galileo once states that she was, "a woman of exquisite mind, singular goodness, and most tenderly attached to me. "Galileo chose to have Suor Maria Celeste as his confidant. When, at the age of thirty-three, Maria Celeste met her untimely death from dysentery, Galileo wrote to a friend, "I feel immense sadness and melancholy...and continually hear my beloved daughter calling to me." The authors purpose of writing this book is to inform the readers of not only the relationship between Galileo and Maria, but also to show Maria’s genuine interest in her father's scientific work, sometimes even offering her own opinion on issues.
Each relationship has it flaws. In the real world, behind all the sneaking around and affairs, true love lies from one person to the next. Each character in this story has their “happy ever after” that is either accepted in society but there is no true love connection between the two people,such as Wilson and Myrtle, or it is not accepted in society but the true love connection is equally shared between two people, such as Myrtle and Tom. In the end, Myrtle, Wilson and Gatsby all have tragic deaths. The two men in The Great Gatsby who loved the purest, Wilson and Gatsby, could not live their lives till natural death.
He loves her but she cannot love him because she is going to become a nun and nuns are not allowed to have relationships. Rosaline is unobtainable, just like Juliet was at first. Romeo's words for his love for Rosaline are very insincere and he discusses his love for Rosaline using sad language "Aye me sad hours seem long", "In sadness, cousin, I love a woman." When Benvolio asks who he loves, Romeo does not give a straight answer but instead complains that she does not return his love "From Love's weak childish bow she lives uncharmed." Paris's love for Juliet is true love on his side but it is unrequited - he admires her from a distance and cares for her and he says when she 'dies' they he will come to the tomb and cover her grave with fresh flowers every day.
In his acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize, William Faulkner asserts that it’s the writer’s duty to remind people of the of human soul, “a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.” Joan Didion, in her novel The Year of Magical Thinking, epitomizes this spirit of endurance as she recounts the year following the death of her husband, writer John Dunne, who suffered a massive heart attack as a result of a prolonged disease. John’s death marked the end of the couple’s forty-year marriage, spurring Didion into a state of what she calls “magical thinking.” In this state, Didion convinces herself that her perpetual yearning for John might have the power to bring him back, refusing to give away his clothes and shoes under the belief he will need them upon his return. She also becomes obsessed with the chronological events leading up to John’s death, believing there must have been some portent she missed. By the end of the book, however, Didion is able to recognize that this “magical thinking” was her method to keep John’s memory alive, and no matter what she did or could have done, his death was inevitable. In choosing to recognize and then reject her false, but comforting, reality, Didion creates “out of the materials of the human spirit” a moving portrait of the human soul as it struggles to accept loss and grief.
2. He knows the worlds richest will not last, since everyone dies and you can't take your possessions with you. Because it's only through the praise of the living after one's death that a person can hope to live forever, people should fight hard against the devil so their bravery will be remembered after their death. That way, they can live forever with the angels. The days of earthly glory are over, the speaker tells us, because the wealthy and powerful civilizations have fallen.
Among her father's forebears was the novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe, his aunt. Perkins abandoned his wife after their infant died in 1866 - Mary Perkins lived with her children on the brink of poverty and was often forced to move from relative to relative or to other temporary lodgings. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an avid reader and largely self-educated. She studied two years at Rhode Island School of Design (1878-80) and then earned her living designing greetings cards. In 1884 she married Charles Walter Stetson, an aspiring artist.