Animals Should Not Be Used for Research

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Name Tutor Course Date Animals Should Not Be Used For Research The use of animals for research purposes, and to find out if products are safe for use has led to a lot of debate over the past years. People have different feelings for animals. Many consider animals to be companions while others view them as a means for progressing medical methods or advancing research involving experiments. Irrespective of the way in which people perceive animals, it remains evident that research firms and companies all around the world are misusing animals. Although successful animal research is advantageous to people, the pain, suffering, and the deaths of animals are not worth the possible benefits to people. It is a violation of animals’ rights to use them in research. Animals are entitled to respectful treatment. Scientists fail to respect this when they use animals as mere tools when carrying out their experiments. This is despite the fact that animals and people are similar in many ways. Animals like humans feel, think, behave, and experience pain. Researchers put animals through tests that cause them pain or even permanent damage and death, and the animals do not get to choose whether to take part in the experiment or not. (Jackson and Sherri L 23)It is not appropriate for people to make decisions on what happens to animals in when doing research, just because the animals themselves cannot express their choices. It is taking away of animals’ rights without taking into consideration their wellbeing or quality of life. It is not necessary to test the quality of products on animals because there are other feasible options that exist. Many cosmetic companies for example, have come up with better methods to test their products without using animals. Researchers can test the possible damage that a product can cause the skin by using an artificial cellular tissue that bears
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