Animals an Their Habitats

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LESSON PLAN Date: _______________________________ No. in Class: 19 Boys: 8 Girls: 11 Curriculum Area: Science________________ No. Present: ___ Boys:___ Girls:____ Subject: General Science__________________ Average Range :5-8yrs Average Age: 6 ½ yrs Topic: Animals and their Habitats______ Duration of Lesson: 20-25minutes_________ -What is a Home? Class: Second Year Infants______________ BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: Pupils will able to: (1) State what a home is and the functions of a home. (2) Give reasons why we need a home. (3) Identify the natural homes of animals as their habitat. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE: Pupils all live in homes and can give some reasons why they need homes. They have seen some animals in their habitats. ENQUIRY SKILLS: Observation, Communicating TYPE OF LESSON: TEACHING AID (RESOURCES) and SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: pictures, worksheets LESSON INTRODUCTION: Teacher presents a picture of animals in a forested area. He leads discussion about the animals in the picture. HANDS-ON ACTIVITY CONTENT/SKILL DEVELOPMENT TEACHER’S STRATEGIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES Presentation of House Concept of Home Why Homes are necessary Animal Homes -presents a picture of a house to pupils and questions them about who lives these. -initiates discussion of what is a Lome -presents definition of home on sentence strip. -leads class in discussion about why homes are necessary. Eg. Shelter. -elicits from pupils whether animals live in homes or not. -presents pictures of some animals and their homes. -asks pupils to identify the animal and where they live -questions pupils about other animals and their habitats. -identifies

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