Animalism- Animal Farm

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“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men” famous quote by Lord Acton. The allegory that is Animal Farm symbolizes the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union. The Animalism leaders began to change the laws set at the beginning of the revolution. Against the farm animals knowledge the leaders slowly corrupted the meaning of Animalism. I am going to focus on Napoleon and how he manipulated his followers which led to the destruction of Animalism. Napoleon believed the pigs were the smartest of the animals. He used his cleverness to work the farm animals while making them believe all were doing their part in the revolution. The pigs begin to use fear tactics and confusing language to convince the other animals to everyone is equal. Squealer manipulates language and persuades the animals Napoleon is always right. Manipulated words misleads a poorly educated, frightened, and idealistic population. With the pigs in control separate classes began to form making special advantages only for pigs. Napoleon seizes power and denies the non-pigs' right to vote. If the animals let Napoleon get away with this act, Animal Farm will no longer be Animalist and the animals' freedom will end. Napoleon made the farm animals believe Snowball was the enemy. He made outrageous claims making Snowball look like cause of the problem so the rest of the animals were distracted from his own corrupt behavior. Napoleon had the attack dogs chase Snowball away so there was no one else to lead the animals or lead in the building of the windmill. In the same manor Joseph Stalin exiled Leon Trotsky and later stole Trotsky’s ideas. "If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right." A quote by Boxer. The leader has the animals believing every word he says because of his side kick, Squealer. Without Squealer, who had a way with talking to the
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