Anger Is a Common Expression of Human

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I guess I have an anger problem. I lose my temper rather quick. Anger is a common expression of human. When there are too many bad things happen, it's, probably, difficult not to express your anger. I’m not an exception, there are a lot of things make me happy and also which can make me angry. What does make me lose my temper is when people take advantage of me, when you give them a finger and they take the whole hand. I’m angry when people don’t appreciate the things that are given to them, like family, food, shelter and love. I become really mad with people who can't keep their promise, betray me, gossip behind my back or touch my things without asking. Moreover, the worst thing to me is being insulted without knowing the reason. Lack of sleep can also make me irritable and less able to contain my anger. So, one should make sure he get enough of it to be able to think and function clearly, for the reason that it's really important. My anger arises when I feel misunderstood or when a situation seems unjust. In my attempt not to show it, I get spiritual experiences and suffer from it. Otherwise, it leads to making others pay for my own emotional defects. Unfortunately, in such cases, I do hurt people close to me. I want to ease this angry temper that I’ve dealt with. I thought I’d make myself a list, to try to right this wrong. And in order to make myself aware of how, when and what it is that drives me mad. I'll search for ways to release it – to let off steam in appropriate ways. Anger is a common expression of

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