Andragogy Essay

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Adult Learning Theories Acquiring knowledge of adult learning might be the most significant journey anyone can undertake. Success in life is determined how motivated and how positive a person can be. Andragogy is the art and science of helping adults learn (Henschke, J A. 2011). To better understand the way adults learn, multiple researchers, scholars and educators alike have been establishing andragogy to implement into individuals personal glossaries. In this paper, andragogy from Malcolm Knowles developed six principles that are extremely relevant for adult learning. Social learning theory from Albert Bandura and Julian B, Rotter provide a solid foundation to how humans socialize and learn from their environment. The concepts of needs in self determination are extremely pertinent for specifying what is essential to life. In conjunction, engagement theory, instructional design theory and constructivism theory help people build goals which are crucial in how people learn. Finally, revealing one main drive all these theories have in common will be revealed. The intent of this paper is to introduce a few theories that help provide guidance in developing andragogy. The environment has a wealth of information to teach. The first theory discussed is social learning theory that was developed in the mid 1980’s by Psychologist Albert Bandura (Ellis.W, n.d.). He put forward that people gain knowledge from interacting with their surroundings. People learn from one another through observation, imitation, and modeling others. For example, when people watch a television commercial, they observe the commercial, then they want to imitate the fun that it models, and then they buy the product (Educational Learning Theories, n.d.). Children learn attitudes and acquire their personality by watching who they admire and imitate them. That is where the phrase
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