Analyzing Critiques Essay

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Assignment #1: Analyzing Critiques of Education The following essay will analyze the critiques of education found in Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”, Mark Bauerlein’s “The New Bibliophobes” and William Golding’s “Thinking as a Hobby”. The reader is able to see in both Paulo Freire’s and in William Golding’s writings, how the education system is critiqued from opposing angles. The critique in Bauerlein’s will be more focused on reading and how the author is opposed to the constant use of technology by today’s youth. All three reading have something in common; which is how they criticize the young adult population. When comparing and contrasting all three essays, Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” is more persuasive since it analyzes the crisis in education and provides an immediate and possible solution. “Thinking as a Hobby” is a written example of criticizing. The essay discusses the three different levels of thinking; which are grade one, two and three. The first grade mentioned is the three since it’s the most common one and it’s the one the writer defines as “feeling rather than thought” (Golding 185). The writer continues to establish that grade two thinkers are the ones able to detect contradictions and those who posses the ability of critical thinking. The last grade mentioned is grade one, since they are scarce; this is a very coveted grade. Grade one thinkers are the ones who seek for the truth and create new ideas. In William Golding’s “Thinking as a Hobby”, the writer utilizes a superior tone and even compares himself to Einstein, “that I felt here were two grade-one thinkers standing side by side…” (Golding 187). In his general idea, Golding describes people as bad thinkers and believes the solution is to become grade two thinkers, which is an inadequate solution because thinking this way makes the author a grade three thinker,

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