Analyze Pressures in Adolesence

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Analyze pressures faced in adolescence Adolescence is what is most commonly known as the transitional period. This is when they are no longer a child, yet not quite an adult yet. It is during this time where they will gain the skills needed that will prepare them for adult life and the responsibilities associated with being an adult (Mullen-Harris, Duncan, & Boisjoly, 2002). During the time of adolescence is when they are faced with pressures from all areas of life. There are pressures from their peers, pressures from society, family, and even from their own schools, religion or spirituality can even have there place among these pressures. Pressures are both positive and negative in nature. Whether it becomes negative or positive is dependent on the choice made, not the choice given. Example of some pressures adolescences face can be sexual in nature, to drug use, what their plans are for after high school, violence, or activities that indict violent behaviors, to what religion will they practice. Since choices are abundant during this stage and the choices made are made independently, some pressures or choices can have a positive or negative impact on their lives. It seems that how an adolescent view's themselves has a great influence over which choice one will choose. For example if an adolescent views themselves as poor or less deserving the choices they may make in regards to sex may lead to the more negative aspect of the pressure (Mullen-Harris, Duncan, & Boisjoly, 2002). Which in turn can lead to other poor choices that can impact them negatively and it can easily become a vicious cycle. Over all adolescents are faced with many pressures which come from friends, family, church, and society. These pressures come during a time where they are learning new skills, and where they are trying to break away from their parents mold and to begin their
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