They were a more isolated human, so when the Europeans came and took over there immune systems were not at all prepared to face and fight back al;l the diseases that came there way. The European diseases were communicable and that therefore caused these illnesses to move faster and to cause death tolls to rise even faster than ever before. In some cases Indians were infected severely before even coming into direct association with the Europeans. The one disease that really got the Indians by the neck was smallpox. This disease killed tens of thousands of Indians in the New World.
The disease spread from nation to nation, killing millions of people and seriously affecting their lives especially Britain. It is thought to be one of the most devastating plagues in human history. It is thought to have begun in the mid 1340’s in China, caused by dirty rodents who had infected fleas. The fleas travelled through Asia and lived on Rats and all sorts of other creatures. Some of these creatures became passengers on merchant ships that sailed to Europe.
The invasion by barbarians in Rome led Europe into major depression. This is because Rome was considered a superpower in Europe and when a superpower falls, the trade and economy in Europe will weaken. The bad times of the economy continued when the plague (also known as the Black Death) happened from 1350 to 1450. This plague was almost fatal and it took half of the population in Europe. The only way of escaping of the disease was to move from the city to the country.
The Black Death According to the middle ages movie, the middle ages took place in Europe, they were also known as the Dark Ages. And the darkest times were the late middle ages. The reason why the late middle ages is considered so dark or not a good time to live in the middle ages is because of the Black Death. The black death is the worst catastrophe besides the children’s crusade. The black death killed millions of people, and there was so many dumb and pretty weird ideas for helping and getting rid of the black death that almost nobody lived.
The recent outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa has caused a controversial panic all over the world. Heightened Ebola alert is no laughing matter because it is highly contagious, and no cure has been found to this day. Ebola is our generation's Black Plague(Black Death) because they have similar symptoms and are transmitted from person to person through bodily fluids creating a rise in Ebola cases around the world. Going back to the origin, The Black Plague goes back to 1300's when it eradicated about one-third of Europe's population. The bacterium that causes the disease is called Yersinia pestis, which is mainly found in rats.
The Black Death had a huge impact on all aspects of Medieval society. The peak of the Black Death resulted in a huge population loss for the city of London, and all over the world. Treatments and theories about the causes of the plague were prevalent in many aspects of life. Initially many believed plagues to be the result of evil spirits. For this reason, people would often huddle together to keep the spirits away.
The Plague, also known as the black death, was one of the most fatal pandemics to ever happen. The disease started in Central Asia. It first infected fleas then rats. The rats started moving into cities, marking the start of a tremendous bloodshed. The disease infected sailors when rats immigrated into ships and kept finding its way through ports, spreading around in different continents.
The Black Death In the 1340s a lethal disease, also known as the Bubonic plague, attacked Europe’s entire population killing almost 50 million people, the continent's population reduced approximately two-thirds, leaving behind an unforgettable mark on our history. It spread quickly and devastated many other countries (Benedictow 1). As we can see, the Black Death Plague has been in existence for about 650 years, even though it is not widespread today, the Plague still exists. There are several explanations on the origins of the Black Death. It began in the spring of 1346 in the steppe region when the Mongols launched an attack on the Italian merchant’s last trading station, Kaffa in the Crimea (Benedictow 3) Others thought that it originated from earthquakes and fire, people even believed that it was a punishment from God for their sins.
WHAT IS IT PART Well the black death is one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, a plague that swept through Europe and Asia which killed millions in the 1300's. A plague is a disease that spreads extremely quickly and kills many people violently. Most scientist think that the Black Death was caused by a type of bacteria called Yersinia Pestis carried by the oriental rat flea. These fleas infested black rats and unfortunately, due to the unsanitary lifestyles of humans during the Middle Ages, these rats were literally everywhere. Once contracted by a human the disease became airborne.
For example, in the 1300's (middle ages) there was a horrible outbreak of the Black Death. This was caused when a flea bit an infected rat, the flea then bit humans who started to get infected with the plague. People then started to make contact to the infected allowing to plague to spread. If anyone went abroad or if infected rats went on ships to other countries it would easily spread and that's what happened. Across Europe the plague spread causing the death rate to rise heavily.