Analysis of the Last Paragraph in Charlotte's Web

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This passage from E.B White’s Charlotte’s Web is significant as it is the last passage of the entire story that holds a message. Through the use of character and style, the author is able to highlight the endearing relationship between two good friends and the way this particular relationship relates to the main ideas in the book. In this concluding passage, E.B White is able to strike a chord with the readers and encourage us to think of Charlotte’s Web in terms of friendship and growth. Charlotte is able to successfully mould Wilbur’s character and help him grow through her creative writing. Kinghorn mentions that language is “the most intricate and ingenious network of communication, which according to scientists elevates humankind to a lofty level above the rest of the animals” (8). Charlotte is described as a “good writer” who “was in a class by herself” (White 184). This elevates Charlotte’s status and she is seen as an animal who has human qualities of being skilful, intelligent, hardworking and influential. She is truly “in a class by herself” and one of her kind as only homo-sapiens are identified as writers (184). The time and care she takes in choosing the best possible word to describe Wilbur each time shows us she is really genuine and wants her writing to reflect what she honestly feels about her friend. When Wilbur doubts himself and calls himself an average pig, Charlotte simply replies that he is “terrific” to her and “that’s what counts” (91). In her heart, she knows that Wilbur is terrific and she does not refrain from being assertive in giving him a compliment so as to boost his confidence. She knows her writing would have an impact and the very next day, “everybody stood at the pigpen and read the word, over and over, while Wilbur, who really felt terrific, stood quietly swelling out his chest and swinging his snout from side to side” (96).

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