Analysis of Qualities and Factors Required to Become and Olympic Champion

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There are many qualities and factors which make an ordinary person become an Olympic champion, however it is clear that achieving the prestigious rank of an Olympian is not easy and is not achieved by many. I have highlighted a few main qualities and factors that I believe are required of a person to become an Olympic champion. One of the main qualities any Olympic champion must possess is determination. The determination of an athlete will determine whether or not an athlete wutll be successful in their sport. For example, as well as determination at competition time, which forces an athlete to push themselves to their peak, and athlete must be determined to attend training sessions at all hours whilst also putting training over their social life. As well as their social life, athletes have to be determined to keep their physical fitness consistent and this would require them to have an extremely strict diet and sleeping patterns. A important factor in becoming an Olympic champion is your gentics. Genetics are an important requirement, because take for example an elite high jumper. If a person was to aspire to become an elite high jumper they would have to have the somatotype of an ectomorph. It would be extremely difficult and almost physically impossible for someone with a somatotype of an endomorph to become an Olympic champion high jumper because their body type would not be suited to that sport due to their height and weight. Although you could argue that somatotype and genetics are irrelevant because a person would be able to find a sport suitable to their somatotype, an overweight or underweight male or female whose families medical history means that they are genetically likely to become over or underweight would mean that they are highly unlikely to become and Olympic champion, meaning genetics does have a part to play in becoming an Olympic

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